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Each link on the left opens a specific album or webpage. On the webpages you will find a Home link back to this page. The black photo albums have multiple pages and to navigate within, use the page numbers at the bottom of the index pages to have an overview. Albums from 2007 to present are found on PicasaWeb, Google+ and in the new galleries below the memorial pages. The new galleries have multiple albums, but you can only navigate within the gallery. To view the other galleries you need to return here, or go directly to:,, bali.jessehaye,,,,, or
There are three links to my genealogy pages where you will find my family tree and descendant reports of four of my ancestors. These are Fredrich Haye, born 14 February 1615 in Berne, Angela van Bengale, born Abt. 1640 in Bengal, India, brought to the Cape in 1657, on the VOC ship Amersfoort, (in October 1666, she became the third person to be freed from slavery at the Cape)Meindert Jansz Boon, born 23 October 1698 in Bangert, and Hendrik Lodewijk Bletterman, born 14 February 1704 in Schwarzburg-Sonderhausen.
The memorial page for Willy Haye, has information and many links to sites dealing with the Japanese occupation of the Dutch East Indies. The capture of Java China Japan Lines Tjisaroea, on March 4, 1942 is also documented here. And the transcribed tapes with the stories to his son are included. Links also to the Junyo Maru, a Japanese transport sunk by the submarine HMS Tradewind, September 18, 1944.
One album is dedicated to Johfra, (Franciscus Johannes Gijsbertus van den Berg) the late Dutch meta-realistic painter and some of his work. The Vietnam album deals with my military service. There you will find a link leading to a memorial page in honor of my friends and classmates from El Monte and Baldwin Park, who lost their lives during the Vietnam conflict.
The sole purpose of this site is to inform, and to share our exploits with family and friends around the globe. It beats the hell out of writing and having doubles made of our photos.
All underwater photography by Jesse Haye with a "Sea&Sea Motor Marine II" camera, using 35mm, wide angle and macro lenses. Other photography with Olympus IS3000 and Canon F1, T70, and EOS Digital Rebel cameras.
Photos copyright Jesse & Elisabeth Haye, photos of the paintings of Johfra copyright Ellen Lorien and where indicated in the Expo2000 album copyright José Ramirez. Contact: 
Photo of the Gandhi memorial on the southern tip of the Indian subcontinent.